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Nuclear Assault: "Third World Genocide" – 2005

энциклопедия: Nuclear Assault

Состав группы:

  • Eric Burke – гитара
  • John Connelly – гитара, вокал
  • Glenn Evans – ударные
  • Danny Lilker – бас, вокал

Nuclear Assault: "Third World Genocide" – 2005


  1. Third World Genocide
  2. Price Of Freedom
  3. Human Wreckage
  4. Living Hell
  5. Whine And Cheese
  6. Defiled Innocence
  7. Exoskeletal
  8. Discharged Reason
  9. Fractured Minds
  10. The Hockey Song
  11. Eroded Liberty
  12. Long Haired Asshole
  13. Glenn's Song


1. Third World Genocide

They come to rule and not by chance
Aided by a bloodied lance
No elections needed here
Such things mundane are not their way
A thousand rivals lying dead
And their families starved, decayed
No relief by foreign aid
A poisoned dagger is their way

Government by those who kill
And then collect from U.N. tills
They live on aid and ask for more
When all it does is pay for way

So carefree
Your killing spree
I must be blind I can't see
Tell me what is human life worth

The skies cry bloody tears

2. Price Of Freedom

Find a maddened hypocritic holy man to heed
Hear only the words that you want to
Deny that you are led by a psychotic need
To destroy anything that offends you

Pay the price of freedom

Leave three thousand lying dead upon our streets
Use our freedoms to strike at our core
Rejoice in the results of your desperate killing spree
Object when we react will all out war

As warplanes fly above
And tanks roll through your flattened homes
You wonder how you could be so misled
Hear survivors grieve
And listen to the wounded moan
Next time try a peaveful approach instead

3. Human Wreckage

Across the globe hatreds stir the beast within
Another war for holy causes seems a sin
Letting loose hate your book says to abhor
I don't think your god approves of holy war
All these religions they say don't kill
But they've shed more blood and made more victims
In a world led by god's bigoted fools
An endless stream of martyrs charging to their doom

So in seven days god created all things
And on the eighth mna was killing in his name
Tell the god what did you have in mind
When you let man turn against his own kind

Holy man or holy terror who can choose
Saving souls by killing what a sad misuse
The prophet's words are written now in blood red
And all his flock are killing until they are dead
Any injustice they have suffered is erased
By the blood of hapless victims they have shed
Led by those intent on hatred war and sin
Justified by twisting holy words intent

4. Living Hell

Taking in all I can see
I can't see what's ahead and I don't want to see what's lying behind
No way out and no way to stay
My reason is blind my reason is blind yeah
Always claim the road revenge
But the cry for vengeance only seems to lead to spilling more blood
Who can say how it began
What really counts is that nobody can say how it will end

You live in hell – you create hell
I ask you why, you say – I don't know

All your brooks they speak of peace
But, murder and death seem to be the only things you want done
Must be something out of Kafka's dreams
A never ending cycle of blood
Making men killing machines
Whose only goal is to add to the rising body count
You claim to kill in the name of god
For a god of peace he seems to revel in the seasons of blood

Never think about the end it is easier to hate than to live on in peace
Unleashed a violent rage
You don't seem to mind and you don't seem to need a good reason why
Looking for someone to hate
I see these lives I see to many lives wasted this way
All your leaders they are the same
Now one seeks peace not one seeks peace

5. Whine And Cheese

Don't do sports, can't get girls
It seems like such an unfair world
My friends play online D&D
We are the ones that people call geeks

I'm going to sit here and whine
I'm going to whine about how my life stinks
I'm going to whine all day long
I'm going to sit here and whine
I'm going to whine about how my life stinks
Would you like some cheese with that whine?

We sit around, complain
Whining away all our days
Just don't like anything
I'm just too anal-retentive

I'm just an object of pity
Why can't the world change to fit me
Maybe I wouldn't be an outcast
If I'd drop the attitude at last

6. Defiled Innocence

A nightmare rises from the holy places
Daring to sin against it's ways
An evil impulse rises to the fore
And deadly silence from those above

Bow down on your knees
Who is his man before us

Predator of innocence
Wrapped in the robes of the church

Sick men destroying lives
And silence from the prelates

Shuffled from state to state
Moving abomination

Another proof your god is a dead word
When it comes to those who claim to serve
When suffering countenanced is the way
What does it mean when bishops say amen

Now the victims breaking their silence
Bishops and Cardinals are keeping theirs
Will money wash away all of the stains
That these men have brought to Church's state

7. Exoskeletal

Building wealth on the backs of the poor
Making deals is sleazy smoke rooms
Politicians living feathered beds
Turn around and tax us to our deaths

We're living in a slave state

The left and right working in tune
Making sure they're the only two
Sharing power corruption greed and wealth
Keeping it all held tighly to their chests

Children smuggling guns into their schools
Teachers barred from enforcing any rules
Liars causing racial conflict wars
And the poor set firmly in their line

8. Discharged Reason

You always talk about yourself in contradictions
Stuck in recking and verbal consciousness distinction
Help yourself and try to rationalize
The keys to change are held within your mind
Back where we've started from lost in concentration
You've got to stop and open up your eyes
You tell me which side of the fight the guilt's on
I'll tell you which side you'll find me on

Tell me everything that's wrong with your life
Is my fault because I'm white
I don't buy into this assumed fault
Of slavery's wrongs layed at my door

Screw your lawsuits forty acres and your mule
If you think I owe towards that you are such the fool
Stop blaming everything on discrimination
And take a long hard close look at yourself

Waste your time playing blame the man games
Get off your ass's and get yourself in the game
This sin't racism at it's ugly worst
It's asking what you've done to help yourself first

9. Fractured Minds

A state of mind, mine is most unkind
Another here is sharing my space
Locked within this same human skin
Another voice is sharing my throat
We are here stuck inside this head
Taking turns wondering who is real
This is not a future or a life

Another day don't tell me it's a page
When everyday the book is not the same
My life a series of snapshots
But never once is the order the same
One voice here inside my head
How long will it be the same
Another lie made unto myself
Play the game according to whose rules?

Tell me you'll relieve me of my sins
And leave me whole but not the same
Taking one chosen from the rest
Tell me how does he pass your test
Fractured minds, relieve me of their pain
What am I, don't leave us for the dead
A state of mind I have more of these
Don't say that I'm just a disease

10. The Hockey Song

The Ducks played really well, for the Cup
They swept the Detroit Red Wings you fuck
Did you even watch a game, you suck
The ass of Jersey devils fans 'cause you're a fucking asshole!

11. Eroded Liberty

Welcome to the age of an american empire
Not a day will pass when bombs don't seem to fly
Scream about the rights of victims and their pain
But your actions are where the causes lay

Don't like what we have done – we're not the only ones
before you raise you rage – look closely at your past

Algeria and Viet Nam – Africe the Middle East
English ships and the slave trade – now tell me who's the beast

European leaders wringing their own hands
Set aside as powers in the holy land
To Europe we are lacking in sophistication
Are we another shitty little country

Don't like we have done – we're not the only ones
Before you raise your rage – look closely at your past

South East Asia and India
Aztec Mayan and Incan worlds
Chinese hooked an opium
Sacrificed for the old world ways

Belief in their empire covers them in cloth
Forget their powers and morals for the part
History shows us this has always been our harm
When we put up with this and the UN in charge

Don't like we have done – we're not the only ones
Before you raise your rage – look closely at your past

America your enemy
To heal your leaders tell
But for your own demands
You need our power as well

12. Long Haired Asshole

Me and a buddy Joe were hanging...
Out in a bar the other night
And we got into this little argument
With some people with short hair
And they called us a bunch of long haired assholes
I thought that was kind of unfair
Well people with short hair and business suits
The caused the S&L disaster
We'll be paying for that for the rest of our lives
But I'm a long haired asshole I'm a long haired asshole
Well people with short hair and business suits
The run the CIA
They break the laws they're suppose to protect
The laws they're suppose to obey
And people with short hair and business suits
They run all organized crime
They dress real neat and smell real sweet
Well people with short hair and business suits
Are responcible for all these disaster
But that don't change the way they walk
Lord, I'm still a long haired asshole
I'm a long haired asshole

13. Glenn's Song

You held my heart in your own hand when we first met
I can't believe I ever loved you
Then I learned what you had done with my whole life
I can't believe I ever loved you

Now watch me go on my own way

I didn't ever think to stop and wonder why
All those times you couldn't meet me
I never wanted to be the other man
But that is just what you have made me

Now match me go on my own way
I don't think we'll meet another day

You tried to sind your hooks in me
After I thought I was over you

Could it be the shattered memories of my dreams
I can't deny I ever loved you
But even blind men can see with their own hearts
When betrayal opens their eyes

Now match me go on my own way
I don't think we will meet again

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